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Representatives Text

The specificity of the administrative procedure for the protection of industrial property rights imposes the need for special knowledge in this area requires a high level of education and knowledge of the representative of domestic , foreign and international law .

The main task of the agent in the field of industrial property is offering professional services to interested parties. Foreign legal and natural persons may appear as parties in the proceedings before the Office and before administrative bodies , but they exercise their rights through a representative who is a domestic natural or legal person registered for advocacy in the field of industrial property .

Especially important is the role of agents in conducting proceedings for the protection of industrial property rights in the courts . Professional representation of clients represents a contribution to increasing the efficiency of legal protection at all .

Due to availability of interested party data registered representatives are published on the website of the Office shall be provided to interested parties which makes a kind of their promotion .

Pursuant to the Act and Regulations , the Office organizes an exam for agents to protect industrial property rights . In 2005 she organized a professional exam, the protection of industrial property .

The exam passed 15 people of which 10 graduates and 5 engineers . With this , the total number of persons who have passed the exam, ie people who have been certified exam records kept by the State Office of Industrial Property is 234 people .


Last updated 02.09.2013