

Get started with search

Searching in the SOIP’s new search is very easy once you get to learn the basic principles of how search actually works.


On the left hand side of the text fields there dropdown controls that contain the following operators =, >, <, >=, <=, LIKE which are used to define that the you are going to build a query that is going to search in the database for the exact match, greater then, less than, greater than or equal, less than or equal to and LIKE which means search any word that contains as a substring the value inserted in the text field.
On the right hand side are the Boolean operators that “AND” and “OR”.
If you build your query with two or more operators then this becomes handy.
If you use “AND” operator then your search narrows to more exact results, and will give you only the records that contain those fields that you have passed as query parameters.
If you use “OR” operator than your search results will be broader and you will get all the records that contain one of the words in search fields.


Field: Invention title

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase for example “ОБЛОГИ ЗА ДИСК КОЧНИЦИ” use the “=” operator and one hit as a result will be shown if found.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “ВИРУС” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the hits that contain that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Word in invention abstract

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase for example “ОБЛОГИ ЗА ДИСК КОЧНИЦИ” use the “=” operator and one hit as a result will be shown if found.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “формула” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records that contain that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the abstract field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Application number

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”.

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Application year

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values, maximum length is up to four digits that are representing the year, such as 1992, 1999, 2013 etc.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Registration number

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Applicant/Owner

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (applicant/owner) for example “Alcon Research, Ltd.” use the “=” operator and all the records from that applicant or owner will be shown, in this case 4 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “Research” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose applicant/owner contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the applicant/owner field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Inventor

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (inventor) for example “DORSCH, Dieter; SCHADT, Oliver and BLAUKAT, Andree” use the “=” operator and all the records from that inventor will be shown, in this case 2 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern (inventor) that contains “Yannick” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose inventor contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the applicant/owner field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Representative

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (representative name) for example “БИНПРО ДООЕЛ СКОПЈЕ” use the “=” operator and all the records from that representative will be shown, in this case 2 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern (representative name) that contains “БИН” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose inventor contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the inventor field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: IPC Classification

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (ipc classification) for example “A 01N 43/40, 37/52” use the “=” operator and all the records from that ipc classification will be shown, in this case 2 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern (ipc classification) that contains “A 01N” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose ipc classification contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the representative field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Application filed (from)

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”.

Searching the database using only date values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date equal to the date you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater than the date you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date smaller than the date you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater or equal than the date you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application ate smaller or equal than the date you have typed.

Field: Legal Status

Searching for applications whose status is equal to the chosen one by the user. Currently there are only four legal statuses that we can search for, such as:

  1. Granted
  2. Refused
  3. Rejected
  4. Filing date examination

Logical operator AND, OR

If you are searching the database using two or more fields as a clause all the searches are performed using default AND operator.

Searching using AND operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number and year.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year=2013
Query result: 1 record.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 and application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year<2004
Query result: 7 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 which have the legal status Granted.
Query example: Application year<2004 AND Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 144 records.

Searching using OR operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number OR year.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year=2013
Query result: 371 records.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 OR application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year<2004
Query result: 1283 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 or which have the legal status Granted.
Query example: Application year<2004 OR Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 207 records.


Field: Word in Mark

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase for example “DIET COCA COLA” use the “=” operator and one hit as a result will be shown if found.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “COCA COLA” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the hits that contain that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase.

Field: Application number

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”.

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Application year

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”.

Searching the database using only numeric values, maximum length is up to four digits that are representing the year, such as 1992, 1999, 2013 etc.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Registration number

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Applicant/Owner

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (applicant/owner) for example “THE COCA-COLA COMPANY” use the “=” operator and all the records from that applicant or owner will be shown, in this case 40 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “COLA” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the trade mark records whose applicant/owner contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the applicant/owner field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Representative

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (representative name) for example “БИНПРО ДООЕЛ СКОПЈЕ” use the “=” operator and all the records from that representative will be shown, in this case 2 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern (representative name) that contains “БИН” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose inventor contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the applicant/owner field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Classes

Note: Currently unavailable for search

Field: Application filed (from)

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only date values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date equal to the date you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater than the date you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date smaller than the date you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater or equal than the date you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application ate smaller or equal than the date you have typed.

Field: Legal Status

Searching for applications whose status is equal to the chosen one by the user. Currently there are only four legal statuses that we can search for, such as:

  1. Registered
  2. Refused
  3. Rejected
  4. Filind date examination

Logical operators AND, OR

If you are searching the database using two or more fields as a clause all the searches are performed using default AND operator. AND operator will filter and narrow the search and will give always fewer results. OR operator will filter and will broader the search and will give always more results.

Searching using AND operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number and year.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year=2013
Query result: 1 record.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 and application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year<2004
Query result: 8 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 which have the legal status Registered.
Query example: Application year<2004 AND Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 4723 records.

Searching using OR operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number OR year.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year=2013
Query result: 845 records.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 OR application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year<2004
Query result: 13605 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 or which have the legal status Granted.
Query example: Application year<2004 OR Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 20275 records.


Field: Word in Industrial design title

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase for example “Шише” use the “=” operator and 35 hits as a result will be shown if found.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “Шише” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the hits that contain that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase, and 151 hits will be shown.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Application number

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Application year

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values, maximum length is up to four digits that are representing the year, such as 1992, 1999, 2013 etc.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application year smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Registration number

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only numeric values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number equal to the clause you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater than the clause you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller than the clause you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number greater or equal than the clause you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have registration number smaller or equal than the clause you have typed.

Field: Applicant/Owner

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (applicant/owner) for example “THE COCA-COLA COMPANY” use the “=” operator and all the records from that applicant or owner will be shown, in this case 10 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern that contains “Друштво за производство” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the industrial design records whose applicant/owner contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the applicant/owner field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Representative

Operator “=”

When searching for exact phrase (representative name) for example “БИНПРО ДООЕЛ СКОПЈЕ” use the “=” operator and all the records from that representative will be shown, in this case 2 records.

Operator “LIKE”

If you are searching for pattern (representative name) that contains “БИН” as substring you should choose LIKE operator and you will get all the patent records whose inventor contains that pattern in the beginning, middle or end of the phrase in the representative field.

Operators “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

If you searching for phrase that is “greater”, “smaller”, “greater than or equal”, “smaller than or equal” than the phrase that you have typed.

Field: Classes

Field: Application filed (from)

Operators “=”, “>”, “<”, “>=”, “<=”

Searching the database using only date values.
Using “=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date equal to the date you have typed.
Using “>” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater than the date you have typed.
Using “<” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date smaller than the date you have typed.
Using “>=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application date greater or equal than the date you have typed.
Using “<=” you will get all the records, from each year that have application ate smaller or equal than the date you have typed.

Field: Legal Status

Searching for applications whose status is equal to the chosen one by the user. Currently there are only four legal statuses that we can search for, such as:

  1. Registered
  2. Refused
  3. Rejected
  4. Filing date examination

Logical operators AND, OR

If you are searching the database using two or more fields as a clause all the searches are performed using default AND operator. AND operator will filter and narrow the search and will give always fewer results. OR operator will filter and will broader the search and will give always more results.

Searching using AND operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number and year.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year=2013
Query result: 1 record.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 and application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 AND Application year<2004
Query result: 8 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 which have the legal status Registered.
Query example: Application year<2004 AND Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 35 records.

Searching using OR operator

Example 1

Search for exact application number OR year.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year=2013
Query result: 37 records.

Example 2

Search for applications where the application number is 1 OR application year is smaller than 2004.
Query example: Application number=1 OR Application year<2004
Query result: 352 records.

Example 3

Search for all applications from the application year 2004 or which have the legal status Granted.
Query example: Application year<2004 OR Legal Status=Granted
Query result: 35 records.