Creations of the human mind, that is to say, intellect, are subjects (objects) of intellectual property protection. Intellectual property, when analysed from a comprehensive stand point, represents the rights stemming from intellectual activities in industry, science, literature and the arts.
It can also be said that intellectual property refers to information or parts of information that are simultaneously incorporated in certain objects in an unlimited number of copies, in different places throughout the world.
Intellectual property rights (hereinafter IPR) are particularly important in modern society. The development of new technologies imposes as an imperative that international standards on IPR protection must be followed. There is no product, or service whose value is not increased through the incorporation of IPR.
New technologies allow creative people to use them and create new types of intellectual works, but they also allow for new ways of abusing IPR. The Republic of Macedonia, is a candidate country for EU membership, a member country of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and a signatory of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. While building its Strategy for Intellectual Property Rights (hereinafter: IPR Strategy), it begins from the standpoint that: the most competitive economy is the knowledge-based economy; Europe pursues the building of a knowledge-based society; the Republic of Macedonia needs foreign direct investments for the development of its own capacities, that will grow proportionally along with the level of IPR protection; its own human potentials - talents, creative people, authors, scientists - should be stimulated by respecting the IPR and thus enabling the economic effects stemming thereof to be retained, as well as to attract new talents; the IPR could allow the small and medium sized enterprises to become competitive, to become recognized in the market, through innovations, ideas, branding and the like; protection of the intellectual property is a fundamental instrument for the success of the European Union internal market that we aspire to accede
In the documents attached you will find the Strategoy for the Intellectual Property and the Action Plan. Download