Before submitting the application to determine whether the object to be protected can be protected as an industrial design , or whether a new external form of a product .
The industrial design right protects a new form of body painting , drawing , contour , composition, color , texture , or their combination , which can be on certain industrial or craft product , or part thereof , as necessary to satisfy the requirements of novelty and individual character .
Product means any industrial or handicraft item made , including parts that are intended to form a composite product .
The design transferred to a product that is designed to fit in complex product may be protected as an industrial design if built part requiring protection remains visible during normal use of the complex product design and visible when the built-in part , independently satisfies for novelty and individual character .
Novelty : The design is new if it is essentially different from that previously applied and that prior to the filing of the application and made available to the public , unless the application is withdrawn before the announcement of the decision for grant of industrial design .
Features: The designs are identical when their features differ only in unimportant details .
The design is special if a skilled person can see the difference of the designs that she made available to the public.
The design will be considered a special sole fact that its application to other industrial and handicraft products , or parts thereof.