The procedure for grant of industrial design is initiated by filing an industrial design to the Office .
The application shall contain :
- Request for grant of industrial design SOIP - ID 1 ;
- One industrial design that can be photos or graphics , the DZIS - ID2 ;
- Description of the novelty and uniqueness of industrial design , if required .
For every design for which protection is sought shall be filed separate returns.
One application for recognition of the right to industrial design , can be protected against multiple product designs (multiple charges ) .
If filed multiple charges , all designs of the application must be intended to apply to products classified in the same class according to the Locarno Classification .
Multiple application may contain up to 100 ( one hundred ) designs .
Division of Industrial Design
Multiple application of industrial design may, at the request of the applicant , during the procedure for grant of industrial design can be divided into two or more applications .
The division of the industrial design is approved by the decision for grant of industrial design .
The industrial design arising from the division of the original industrial design application ( divisional application ) keeps the date of filing of the original application and the priority of the first application of industrial design .
Contents of the division of the industrial design is defined by the Regulation for Industrial Design .