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Filtered by Industrial design
How do you get the protection of a industrial design?

Protection of intellectual property can be obtained by : Submission of application for industrial design to the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia with international industrial design application that.. read more...

What is the procedure for obtaining the protected industrial design?

Procedures for the protection of industrial designs are determined in accordance with the Law on Industrial Property ( Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 42/3 of 15.07.1993 ) . Regulations for Industrial Design ( Of.. read more...

What is the protection of industrial design?

New external appearance of an existing industrial or craft product that is not in mass production , or a part thereof can be appropriately protected as a model . New picture or drawing that can be applied to industrial or craft pr.. read more...

How is the duration of protection of industrial design?

The duration is 10 years from the date of filing of the application for protection of industrial design . read more...

What is subject to protection as an industrial design?

Given shape , image and drawing can be protected by industrial design only if new and sufficiently different from similar previously submitted . read more...

Who could ask for protection of industrial design?

Private or entity , joint venture or any legal entity may acquire protection of industrial model or design if it podnseat proper application. Applicants from abroad must be represented by an authorized local representative . Domes.. read more...

How to get the protection of industrial designs abroad on the basis of an application filed in Macedonia?

The application of industrial design device to protect industrial property of the respective state . The application of international industrial design that based on the Hague Agreement shall be submitted to WIPO. read more...
